The Durango-Mazatlan Baluarte Bicentenario bridge the largest in the American continent


It is the highest in America, it was inaugurated in 2012 and was built by crossing the famous “Espinazo del Diablo”

Crossing the Mazatlán-Durango highway, you will find tunnels and impressive views through the Sierra Madre Occidental, but without a doubt, something that leaves anyone who walks through it for the first time is speechless is the monumental Baluarte Bicentenario bridge, the largest in the American continent. 

Its construction began in 2008 and it was inaugurated until 2012, it is 402 thousand 57 meters high and crosses the famous “Espinazo del Diablo”; It is 1,112 meters long and 20 meters wide. 

In its central part, it crosses a ravine with a height of 390 meters below the deck; this is little higher than the famous Eiffel Tower, in Paris, France, impressive isn’t it?

Wait, we don’t end there, the Baluarte Bridge is the sixth highest in the world, only after five bridges in China, ranging from 565 meters to 406 meters high. In the case of the Mexican, the two towers support the 152 tie rods that support the base, which are based on two piers, the total height of these piers being 150 meters. 

The origin of the name 

The denomination of Baluarte Bicentenario is due to two things, the first, honoring the name of one in the 11 rivers of the state and the second, for the 200 years that have elapsed since the independence of Mexico from Spain in 1810. 

Originally it was intended that the bridge would be inaugurated in 2010, the year of the Bicentennial, however, the work was delayed and was inaugurated two years later, being open to the public until 2013.

puente baluarte (9) | El Souvenir

The Bridge had a total investment of about 2 billion pesos, which was a purely federal resource, being the main attraction of the “superhighway” that authorities of both states that it crosses so presume. 

It is this highway that has managed to reduce the time from 12 hours that were used to an approximate of 3 to 4 hours, and in a car trip of two and a half hours compared to the previous ones. 

Puente Baluarte Bicentenario: un atirantado con Récord Guinness.

Even when it was inaugurated, dozens of Mazatlan families went and traveled this superhighway, because, at the beginning, the booths were free, precisely with the intention that citizens of both states would know the tourist attractions of the region. 

Over the years it has become the main connectivity of Sinaloa, through the northern economic corridor, increasing capital gains, development and greater economic income that has been a watershed in attracting investment and projects that were not in sight, including, the opening of the industrial sector with the Aerospace Park and the USMCA T-MEC corridor.

The Durango Post