Journalist Fredy López Arévalo assassinated in San Cristóbal de las Casas


The journalistic union condemns the crime and demands that those responsible be investigated and punished.

This Thursday the journalist Fredy López Arévalo was assassinated outside his home in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.

The state and national journalistic union lamented the murder against the communicator, host of XERA-Radio Uno and author of political columns.

The Chiapas Association of Journalists and Communicators expressed condemnation and sadness for the crime but also demanded that the authorities clarify the case, undertaking a line of investigation that includes their journalistic activity


Tonight, Governor Rutilio Escandón “strongly condemned” the murder and said that no crime will go unpunished.

Fredy López Arévalo dedicated his last publications to a topic in San Cristóbal de las Casas and direct criticism of Governor Escandón, which he titled “Government of Chiapas inanimate facing the challenge that the two new borders of Mexico will impose on the world.”

In that publication spread on social networks, Fredy López wrote: “YOU CANNOT SEE WHERE or where Rutilio Escandón Cadenas is trying to take advantage of the location of Chiapas in the vicinity of three of the largest strategic projects of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO): the Dos Bocas refinery, the Transístmico dry train, and corridor, and the Mayan Train ”.

Asesinan al periodista Fredy López Arévalo en San Cristóbal de las Casas,  Chiapas - Contrapeso

The state prosecutor’s office opened an investigation folder for the crime and is already working on the scene to collect the evidence.


San Cristobal Post