Aguascalientes at the forefront of the transition of mobility in Mexico


Due to its growth and position, Aguascalientes plays a central role in the future of Mexico towards more sustainable and intelligent mobility.

The world in which we live is constantly in motion and sustainability is one of the topics with the greatest attention today, since the planet’s resources are limited and every day we need more energy to carry out the life we ​​know. 

Change from a linear model in which it is mined, produced, consumed, and thrown away. A circular one; in which it can be extracted, produced, consumed, reused, and recycled. Following the example that nature gives us, in which everything has value, is used and later becomes a resource that has a use and purpose. Technology and innovation are key points to achieving this and at the “IAA Mobility 2021” mobility fair held in Munich, these topics were taken as a central theme, with special emphasis on migrating from the automotive industry to the mobility industry. 

Large companies and countries met to present their commitment to generating a significant impact on their projects for the future, with a focus on rethinking, reducing, reusing, and recycling, making their business models sustainable, and adopting a holistic vision for the future of mobility in the world.

The mobility revolution comes with radical changes. From electronic components to connectivity with IoT that the industry will have. Cars will be increasingly intelligent, powerful, autonomous, sustainable and complex, not only in their operation but also in their production, which will require more and better technology; as well as spaces that manufacture higher technology, with talent and professional elements focused on mechatronics and the development of technological components, beyond assembly. 

Mexico will have to “technify” the supply chain and make it more complex so as not to be left out of the game.

Aguascalientes, who was representing Mexico, played a crucial role for the country since IAA is the most important automotive fair in the world and for Mexico it is one of the key sectors for FDI, counting in the Bajío region with more than 9 OEMs in a radius of 300 km that guarantees the stability and continuous economic growth of the region, so it should begin to be visualized and be present at international automotive events, in which it will continue to talk about the transition of the industry, the needs and necessary conditions for the Bajío to have everything to continue being a main HUB of the automotive industry. 

So far, the state and the Bajío region have the best that Mexico can offer: qualified labor, a complete manufacturing ecosystem, energy availability, location in the Pacific corridor -North America, multimodal connectivity, job stability, social harmony, authorities promoters of sustainable economic activity that team up with the private sector, academia, unions and the federal government and, finally, the highest quality of life for employees and their families.

The world is changing and the way of doing things too. Entrepreneurs and leaders must adjust to the transition and prepare to take these changes as opportunities that can boost the economy and thus continue to have a positive impact on sustainability for the future.

Source: Forbes Mexico

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