The users of public transport in the port continue to suffer from the terrible and insufficient service due to the lack of buses, for this reason, it continues to leave hundreds of desperate people, standing on the corners watching the full buses go by as time advances and they are late to stop. Reach your destination.
This is the problem of every day in the three rush hours when people have the most difficult times to board the crowded units that they literally board hanging on the doors.
In the case of mothers of families with their children who they take to school, we had the opportunity to observe how the lady made the attempt three times to get on the bus, the few that came by did not stop and left them waiting, the children already angry they sat on the sidewalk to continue waiting.
Minutes after the passage of the third unit, several people got out, and only in that way did they manage to get on the bus, when it was safe to do so, in what was a wait of more than thirty minutes.
This panorama of users waiting in good numbers for the truck to pass at the different stops and routes of the city is already normal and it is not in the interest of the state government or the UNIBUS company to provide a decent and sufficient service.
This story is repeated in all the most demanding routes in the city, without giving them a response to the demand for better transportation, a promise that has not been fulfilled since the company arrived in this city to replace the two old companies, green, blue and white from Sistecozome that belonged to the state.