Culiacán-La Paz flight inaugurated; there will be 13 thousand new tourists for the BCS capital


On the morning of this Tuesday, October 19, directors of TAR Airlines and the Secretariat of Tourism, Economy and Sustainability (Setues) inaugurated a new route that will connect La Paz with Culiacán, Sinaloa. After the ‘christening’ of the aircraft, they offered a press conference in MA which specified that this flight will bring around 13 thousand passengers a year to BCS.

Ángel García Colín, Commercial Director of TAR, recalled that the La Paz-Culiacán flight will take off on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and the Puerto Vallarta-La Paz route will be inaugurated shortly. It is anticipated that between the two flights a spill of up to 30 million pesos a year will fall for the municipality.

The flights will be operated on a jet of the Embraer ERJ-145 fleet with a capacity of 50 passengers, likewise, they ensure that they have the filters applied to avoid coronavirus infections in airports, as well as the type of ventilation in the airplanes, with sterilization air, allow safe travel for tourists.

The head of the La Paz Tourism Trust, Fátima Avilés, stressed that these connections strengthen the tourist reactivation strategies that are being carried out to counteract the repercussions of the pandemic.

The directors of the corporation previously mentioned that there will be special rates for the launch of the new routes, 1,299 pesos for the La Paz – Puerto Vallarta trip and 899 pesos for La Paz – Culiacán, taxes included.


The Cabo Post