Mexico legal residents 18 and over have to obtain an RFC# or SAT will fine you up to $11,600


This measure of the Tax Administration Service would be accompanied by fines to make it mandatory for all individuals of legal age.

Since last month, when the Tax proposal 2022 was presented, it was announced that the Tax Administration Service (SAT) would make it mandatory to register in the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC) for all legal residents when they meet age requirements. The tax authority also warned that the application of fines is contemplated in cases in which said measure supported by the federal government is not complied with.

This is, for now, a reform initiative that the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) sent to the Legislature for approval, which has the purpose of promoting a tax culture in the Mexican population from youth, aimed at restricting tax evasion.

One of the proposals included in the Economic Package 2022 in its fiscal section is this measure that would grant compulsory to registration in the register of the RFC from 18 years, which would be achieved by reforming Article 27 of the Tax Code of the Federation (CFF), where a final paragraph would conclusively establish that every natural person of legal age must have their RFC, processing it with the tax authority, the SAT.

The proposal has been the cause of polarization of the perspectives on the subject, where the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) finds it as an exercise with little clarity that only serves to gain time and immediately approve the rest of the Income Law for the next year.


Raquel Buenrostro, the head of this agency, points out that it would not be necessary for young people to start having to submit tax returns unless they are generating economic activity.

If the revenue initiative advances in the Congress, there would be a scheme of fines to sanction cases in which the new order of processing the RFC is not obeyed, which would be achieved with an additional reform in Article 79 of the CFF, where the actions that are considered as infractions appear.

And immediately afterward, a third modification, now in Article 80 it would be the one that sets the amounts of the sanctions, which consist of fines from 3 thousand 870 pesos and up to 11 thousand 600 pesos for ignoring it.

If approved, all individuals must process their entry in that registry, which can be done online to avoid transfers and do it from the comfort of home and at the end of the process provide you with your Tax Identification Card (CIF) at the one that appears your RFC number and you can download it in PDF to print it and save it physically.


Mexico Daily Post