Tec de Monterrey is 26 in the World in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022


For the sixth consecutive year, Tecnológico de Monterrey ranked as the number 1 university in Mexico, climbed into the first position in Latin America, and number 26th worldwide in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022.

Tecnológico de Monterrey climbed 14 positions to reach the 26th position in the world in the employability of its graduates, according to a ranking by the international firm Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). This organization ranks international universities according to the success of its graduates with bachelor’s and post-grad degrees in obtaining professional positions, i.e., the most sought graduates by employers from the best universities in the world.

The QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 (GER) ranked Tec as the #1 university in Latin America, and for the sixth consecutive year, #1 in Mexico. The institution ranked #11 globally among private universities, climbing five places since the last edition of this ranking. In this edition, 786 universities from 78 countries were evaluated, of which 679 were ranked. From Mexico, twelve universities participated.

The biggest jump in positions in three years

In the current edition, Tec climbed the most significant number of positions in the last three years, 14 steps, moving up 36 spots since 2018. David Garza, Rector and President of Tec de Monterrey, said that it is a pride for the Tec community that its graduates are among the most sought by employers in Mexico and the world. “In such a changing world, we strive for our students to develop the competencies necessary to be successful people in all aspects of their lives,” Garza said.

David Garza also commented that Tec encourages its students to aspire to great goals and be transformative leaders who generate value around them. “These results motivate us to reinforce our commitment to training, research, and community connection, and, thus, continue contributing to the development of society,” he added.

For his part, Juan Pablo Murra, Rector of Higher Education at Tec de Monterrey, emphasized that through the pandemic, the university strengthened its support and accompaniment for their recent graduates as they became incorporated into working life. “Recently, we released Launching Pad, an initiative to potentiate employability through mentoring, supporting, and elevating entrepreneurial ideas, facilitating specialization, and fostering collaborative networks among our community,” said Murra. “We offer them courses that help them consolidate and perfect their competencies and abilities, or develop new skills that complement their training,” he said.

Indicators that measure the employability ranking

In this edition, responses of almost 75,000 employers and 40,000 graduates with international influence were evaluated.  The methodology to develop this ranking considers five criteria related to the employability of graduates:

1. Connections to employers (25 %): By this indicator, Tec occupies the 92nd position, improving more than 108 positions compared to the previous edition.

2. Employer-student connections (10 %): Tec occupies position 56 in this indicator, which looks at the presence of student-employer contacts.

3. Reputation among employers (30 %): Tec earned eight more positions with this indicator, moving up to #47 in the world. 

4. Employability rate (10 %): By this indicator, Tec de Monterrey ranked 44th in the world. This criterion has to do with the number of graduates hired part-time or full-time in the first 12 months after graduation.

5. Notable Alumni (25 %): Per this indicator, the Institution attained the 39th position in the world ranking. This indicator evaluates university graduates’ positions and success as the most innovative, creative, entrepreneurial, or philanthropic in the world.

Top 5 Graduate Employability Worldwide

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2. Stanford University

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

4. The University of Sydney

5. Harvard University

Top 5 Graduate Employability Latinamerica

1. Tec de Monterrey

2. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

3. National Autonomous University of Mexico

4. University of the Andes

5.= University of Chile

5.= National University of Colombia


Linking graduates to employment

Year after year, Tec de Monterrey graduates more than 9,000 students in more than 40 professional careers. Its Center for Liaison and Professional Development interacts with approximately thirteen thousand companies actively registered in its Job Exchange, which, in 2020, listed more than 10 thousand professional job openings. Last year, the Center for Liaison and Professional Development enrolled 750 new companies to participate with Tec graduates. 

4 of every 10 Tec alumni have created startups

A study by the QS Intelligence Unit concluded that 41% of Tec alumni have created a company and generated 2.8 million jobs globally. The study “Economic and Social Impact of Tec de Monterrey Graduates Worldwide” highlighted that the entrepreneurship rate of Tec graduates is more than double the average rate in Mexico, both in social and lucrative enterprises. This study to evaluate Tec graduates’ social and economic impact was carried out on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of Tec de Monterrey.

Source: Observatory.tec.mx

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