FRAUD ALERT issued by Mexico Embassy; Consulates have detected websites that seek to charge up to $99 USD for filling out Mexico Fly Safe Questionnaires 


This is the Mexico Fly Safe Questionnaire, which is a requirement for travelers who intend to enter Mexican territory

Embassies and consulates of Mexico abroad have begun to alert about possible acts of fraud with the questionnaire that must be filled out for those who want to travel to Mexico.

This is the Mexico Fly Safe Questionnaire, which is a requirement for travelers who intend to enter Mexican territory.

Filling out this questionnaire, through the internet, is free. However, diplomatic representations have detected electronic sites that seek to charge up to $ 99 for filling it out. 

Through a bulletin prepared and disseminated by the consular area of ​​the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), it was alerted about the fraud attempts that have taken place.

“Various embassies and consulates have warned about possible fraudulent acts related to the Mexico Fly Safe Questionnaires, a requirement implemented by the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) and the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) to identify risk factors in travelers, and whose free filling is required of all persons who board flights to Mexico “, was indicated in the bulletin that has begun to be disseminated through the diplomatic representations of Mexico abroad.

It was detailed that according to the information provided, some airlines and travel agencies have directed users to internet sites that request payments of up to $ 99 USD, to obtain the corresponding QR code.

“Although the Terms and Conditions of said pages indicate that the cost is derived from contracting private assistance services and that it is possible to carry out the procedure directly before the authorities, they use the flag, the national emblem, or the Mexico brand. ”Added the Mexican authority.

The links detected and that operate under this charging scheme are:
https: //

“None of these sites is official or linked to Mexican authorities,” said SRE.

The only official link is: It is the only official site from which to obtain the QR Code recognized by Mexican authorities.

Responsible for the information: Consular Section |

Mexico Daily Post