Disney Cruise Line will stop in Progreso!


Progreso, Yucatan, (September 30, 2021).- As part of the gradual economic reactivation, a new cruise ship will arrive in Progreso, the announcement was made through social networks by the mayor, Julián Zacarías Curi.

It is the Disney Cruise Line, which among its itineraries includes trips to Alaska, the Bahamas, the Mexican Riviera, and Europe.

(Photo: social networks)

Disney Cruse To Arrive In December

The cruise ship will arrive next December, the arrival of which shows that Progreso could be a potential recurring destination for the Disney shipping company.

“Now is the time to prepare ourselves, as city and citizen service providers, to do what we know how to do on this first visit, to conquer and captivate them, on this occasion, Yucatan will be their main destination in Mexico,” mayor Julián Zacaríaz wrote.

(Photo; social networks)

On the official website of Disney Cruise Line, it is reported that this cruise has live musical shows, fireworks shows in the middle of the sea, as well as shows with Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars characters.

Also, it is worth mentioning that this particular cruise has won more than 100 recognitions and distinctions.

Source: Sipse

The Yucatan Post