“Buyer beware” before buying land in Campeche


Calakmul, Hopelchén, Candelaria, Palizada and Champotón there are more land sales

Sea of ​​Uncertainty                          

Campeche is one of the states with the largest extension of land available to convert into urban points. The real estate professional Nelson Danilo Gallardo Ordoñez, former president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI), stressed that any of this land is good for the acquisition and construction of homes or businesses, but if there is no legal certainty and the purchase is not legal, it is best to look elsewhere where there are documents that guarantee a safe sale. 

Whether it is urban land or common land, any sale must have legal certainty, said Gallardo Ordoñez, who added that this certainty is achieved through a real estate professional and his work team, and sometimes not even that, because in the case of land ejidal real estate consultants rely on legal and sometimes even public notaries to see what status they are in. 

For this reason, he affirmed that it is not vanity to promote the use of a real estate professional to acquire a property, but that they will have the priority of being responsible in case there is a bad process. 

In the case of land, there is a process to follow before a sale, and this can be done by a professional with the right equipment. These problems are evident, from the acquisition of a small space to housing developers who have large extensions for the construction of subdivisions, a situation that is more noticeable in municipalities such as Calakmul, Hopelchén, Candelaria, Palizada, and Champotón, where there are still communal nuclei they don’t sell to just anyone. 

He warned that due to the invasions, which later end up being colonies, legal certainty is given by a municipal and state authority, in the case of ejidos the federal authority.

Source: lajornadamaya.mx

Campeche Post