“Viva López Obrador!”: Consul of Mexico in Istanbul causes controversy on Día del Grito (VIDEO)


Uni2 Newsroom (September 16, 2021).- After the events, Arvide Limón said that she felt embraced by the words of gratitude and friendship of many Mexican families who were present at the ceremony.

“Long live López Obrador!” Cried the consul of Mexico in Istanbul, Isabel Arvide Limon, during the commemoration of the Independence of Mexico.

The Mexican diplomat held a ceremony for the Cry of Independence from Turkey, which generated controversy on social networks for the fact that many Mexican politicians and civilians believe Council Arvide Limon did something totally out of place for the head of a Mexican Consulate.

Isabel arvide
Isabel Arvide Limon Photo: Special

Isabel Arvide praised the name of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during her personal interpretation of the “Cry of Independence”.

The Consul included Lopez Obrador’s name in this “ritualistic” historical annual event, which is supposed to be a tribute to the so-called “Heroes of Independence”, people like Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos, Vicente Guerrero, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez or Ignacio Allende, just to name few. This is of course something never seen before during a “Grito de Independencia” celebration in an official diplomatic venue outside Mexico.

Mexican Congressman Luis Cházaro said on Twitter that Limon Arvide’s behavior is a disgrace to the Mexican foreign service.

“Long live Miguel Hidalgo! Long live justice! Long live freedom! Long live López Obrador!”

The Consul’s gesture annoyed many in the room, especially a woman who took the stage to show her rejection.

“It’s Viva México, not López Obrador,” she shouted between boos and laughter from those present.

Later, she tried to approach Isabel Arvide, but her way was blocked by security personnel.

The woman expressed her respect for the Mexican president and even said that she wanted him to end his six-year term properly, but she made it clear that it was not OK to include AMLO’s name in this event dedicated to the heroes of Independence.

Isabel Arvide Limon showed absolute indifference towards the issue, and admitted on Twitter that she finished her “Grito” crying Viva Lopez Obrador!

After the events, Arvide Limón said on Twitter that she felt embraced by the words of gratitude and friendship from many Mexican families who were at the event.

“I am embraced by the words of gratitude, of friendship, of many Mexican families who applauded and shouted cheers with me.”

In addition, the Mexican Consul considered that what happened was a “vulgar provocation” by a woman who was “drunk.”


Source: Uni2

Mexico Daily Post