Now it’s official, Layda Sansores takes protest as governor of Campeche


She assured the attendance that she will follow AMLO’s footsteps and that the state will be part of 4T.

“We will follow in the footsteps of Andrés Manuel, Campeche will be part of the Fourth Transformation”, Sansores declared.

The new governor thanked President López Obrador for his support and described him as a visionary president; she said that his administration has given importance to the south of the country, especially with the Mayan Train Project, which will pass through Campeche.

The ceremony was attended by the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López Hernández; the Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier; the leader of Morena, Mario Delgado; the governor of Hidalgo, Omar Fayad; the governor of Tabasco, Carlos Merino; the governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, as well as senators and representatives.

Layda Sansores sought the candidacy for the Campeche government four times, and on the last occasion, representing AMLO’s political party Morena, she managed to win the election.

Source: Forbes Mexico

Campeche Post