AMLO lied more than 61,000 times in his morning conferences


In the 1,005 days that he has been in office, the president has led 684 conferences, with an average duration of 108 minutes.

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reached his Third Government Report with more than 61,000 false or misleading statements in his morning conferences, according to a report distributed this Wednesday by the political consultancy SPIN.

According to the report released by the political consultant Luis Estrada, partner at SPIN, in the 684-morning conferences he has given since his arrival to the Presidency on December 1, 2018, and until August 31, the president has been imprecise 89 times on average in each of them.

In total, the report says, it has made 61,079 untrue statements in these spaces.

In the 1,005 days that he has been in office, the president has led 684 conferences, with an average duration of 108 minutes.

AMLO mintió más de 61 mil veces en las mañaneras: consultora SPIN | Jesús  Torres Noticias

According to SPIN data, the phrases that he has repeated the most in these spaces have to do with justice, which he has said 1,211 times, while Ayotzinapa has pronounced it 137 times and “There is / must be an authentic rule of law” has had 94 mentions.

In addition, the president has also referred to political figures on various occasions.

According to the report, López Obrador has mentioned former President Enrique Peña Nieto on 279 occasions, followed by former Secretary of Security Genardo García Luna with 194; the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya, with 138 and the former presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya to whom he has referred 25 times.

López Obrador began with the “morning ones” on December 3, 2018, two days after assuming the Presidency, as a promise to offer transparency and openness to the media, in contrast to his predecessor, Enrique Peña Nieto, who only offered a couple of press conferences from 2012 to 2018.

But international freedom of expression associations has accused the president of using the conferences to attack journalists and critics.

Mexico is one of the most violent countries for the journalistic union and every year there are numerous murders, attacks, and intimidations against the press by organized crime and authorities.

According to the NGO Article 19, a total of 142 journalists have been murdered since 2000 to date in possible connection with their work. Of these, 22 occurred during the term of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who assumed power on December 1, 2018.

But, according to the Mexican Ministry of the Interior, the figure would be even higher, as it ensures that more than 40 journalists have been murdered during the López Obrador government. 


Mexico Daily Post