Beaches reopen in Oaxaca today


OAXACA. September 2, 2021.- Six municipalities on the Oaxaca Coast agreed to lift restrictions on their beaches and change the epidemiological traffic light from red to orange.

The municipal authorities decided to open their beaches, with all preventive measures, to reactivate the economy.

They pointed out that with the restrictive measures that they took since last August 9 before the third wave, such as the closure of some beaches and non-essential shops, they achieved a decrease in the rate of Covid infections in that area.

With this provision, tourism service providers and businesses will be able to restart activities with a maximum allowed capacity as well as the obligation in measures such as the use of face masks, maintaining a healthy distance, and the use of antibacterial gel.

Some municipalities, such as Huatulco, kept their beaches open despite the fact that the epidemiological traffic light had been declared red.

The municipalities that decided to change to the orange color of the epidemiological traffic light are San Pedro Pochutla, Santa María Tonameca, Santa María Colotepec, Pluma Hidalgo, Villa de Tututepec and San Miguel del Puerto


The Oaxaca Post