Heavy rains are expected in Durango throughout the state


With precipitations of different intensity, Hurricane Nora has been felt in Durango territory during the last hours.

According to the forecast of the National Meteorological Service, at least until next Friday, the probability of moderate to heavy rains remains in the mountains, valleys, plains of the center, east and southeast of the state, which includes the city of Durango.

With regard to temperature, after the thermal decline that was registered yesterday Sunday, a gradual recovery is expected from Monday to Tuesday.

Maximum values ​​of 25.0 degrees Celsius are expected for Monday and around 28.0 degrees Celsius until next Friday.

As for the minimum, it could be maintained at values ​​close to 12.0 and 14.0 degrees Celsius at dawn for the next seven days.

Last Saturday rains of varying intensity were recorded in the state, with accumulations of 21 millimeters in the municipality of Guadalupe Victoria and 13.5 millimeters in the Durango Meteorological Observatory, to name a few.

For now, Hurricane Nora is moving off the coasts of Nayarit and Sinaloa, heading towards the Gulf of California, causing intense rains at torrential points that could generate landslides and floods in Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit and Jalisco.

The extensive cloud bands of Nora will provide abundant entry of moisture to the northwest, north, west, center and south of the national territory.

In interaction with a low-pressure channel and the cloud falls of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, they will produce heavy to very heavy showers and rains in those regions, with intense occasional rains in Durango, Jalisco, Michoacán and Guerrero.


Precipitation expected next 7 days: