Otami Lele traffic lights arrive in the city of Querétaro (video)


Querétaro. – The 76 traffic lights with the figure of the Otomi Lele doll have already been installed in the city, which seeks to rescue the traditions in the urban environment of Querétaro.

From very early on, they became operational in areas such as Avenida Corregidora, Zaragoza, Avenida de Los Arcos on the corner of Boulevard Bernardo Quintana and Circunvalación, as well as Avenida Tecnológico on the corner of Hidalgo.

It is intended that the Lele dolls have a presence in the places with the greatest influx of visitors and pedestrians, according to the Ministry of Mobility.

The project began with two traffic lights on Corregidora avenue, at the intersections with 16 de Septiembre and Angela Peralta a few weeks ago.

“Initially there will be 76 pedestrian traffic lights, those that will be placed are dynamic black high impact polycarbonate traffic lights, with a knob closing system with two green and red LED lights, countdown and animated Lele”, he explained.

The 76 pedestrian traffic lights were delivered to the Ministry of Mobility between September 2 and 6 and will be placed in their entirety at the intersections of the Historic Center between September 2 and 10.

hey will be located at the intersections of Avenida Corregidora with 16 de Septiembre; Juárez with Zaragoza; the Alameda with Zaragoza; in Constituents corner with Corregidora; and Los Arcos with Bernardo Quintana.

Colocan 76 semáforos con imagen de Lele en el Centro Histórico - AlertaQro

An investment of one million 483 thousand pesos was allocated for the acquisition of the pedestrian traffic lights, they were manufactured by the Semex company and the installation of them will be carried out by the personnel of the Ministry of Mobility.

Llegan semáforos Lele a la ciudad de Querétaro - Informe Queretano

Source: informequeretano.com, diariodequeretaro.com.mx

The Queretaro Post

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