Equal marriage was finally approved in Yucatan today


With 20 votes in favor and five against, Article 94 of the State Constitution is modified

This August 25, for the third time, the Congress of the State of Yucatan put equal marriage to a vote, with a historic result: with 20 votes in favor and 5 against.

With this, Article 94 of the Yucatan Constitution no longer considers only marriage and concubinage between a man and a woman, but between two people, opening the possibility to same-sex couples.

On the two previous occasions, the vote in Congress was closed, without the citizens being able to have knowledge of the votes cast by their deputation, a situation that led to two injunctions, issued by civil organizations and members of the LGBTTTI community, who defend these types of rights.

Photo: Rodrigo Díaz

It was on April 10, 2019, when for the first time the Yucatecan Plenary voted in this private way, a situation that they repeated, in the same year, on July 15; Although already activists in favor of the rights of the community for sexual orientations and identities, he had asked them to be transparent with the public.

From this situation, with the two protections derived, on August 18 of the current year, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) declared the vote unconstitutional and ruled to repair the facts; Therefore, on this occasion, for the first time, the LXII Legislature voted openly and transparently with the citizens.

Karla Franco Blanco, president of the Commission on Constitutional Points and the Interior, made visible that the approval of this union eliminates discriminatory barriers of inequality and exclusion, for which, for the third time, they requested, from their commission, a vote in favor of the issue .

“Equal rights and the prohibition of discrimination are two fundamental principles provided for in our constitution,” he also recognized that, by accepting it, it is not only an advance and elimination of barriers for people but also to achieve what the nation has already done. requested.

Also, the deputy Milagros Romero Bastarrachea, asked to raise her voice, being one of those who promoted this initiative, together with the deputy Silvia López Escoffié, for the vote for equal marriage on the third time.

One of the reasons he listed to vote in favor of this union is that “it is the legally correct thing to do,” based on the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States; but, at the same time, he expressed that “we all have the same rights.”

“Today, make no mistake, we are going to make history, which one? Whichever the majority wants, ”he said when he asked to vote in favor of the issue, noting that 21 states have already made this approval.

Photo: Rodrigo Díaz

The deputy also took the moment to remember the people of the LGBTTTI community, who could not be in person for this historical event.

“It is not about what I like or what I want, but the demands of society must be analyzed and approved,” said the deputy of the New Alliance Party, Luis María Aguilar Castillo, assuring that the issue has nothing to do with morality, for which he requested not to divide society into good and bad, “the bible says that we must give our brothers what corresponds to them and this part corresponds to them.”

Deputy Kathia María Bolio Pinelo, from the National Action Party (PAN), expressed that to err is human, but rectify is wise and, with that, points out that denying this right represented denying social security, among many other rights that the legal figure allows marriage, for which he asked his fellow deputies and deputies, their vote in favor.

“I have lived with the belief that the union of a man with another man or the union of a woman with another woman is not correct, however, there is a right that exists: freedom of expression and free will; Everyone has the right to choose the way they want and want to live ”, the deputy, Luis Hermelindo Loeza Pacheco, with this, expressed his ideals.


The Yucatan Post

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