Design of the first batch of Gas Bienestar tank is simple and easy to identify


Octavio Romero Oropeza, CEO of Petróleos Mexicanos ( Pemex ), announced that the first batch of LP gas tanks is almost ready and will be distributed by the company Gas Bienestar, a company promoted by the Federal Government

Pemex published on its official Twitter account some photographs in which you can see the design that the cylinders will have. These images were taken during the visit of Romero Oropeza to the terminals of Tepeji of the River and Tula, Hidalgo.

The design of the first batch of Gas Welfare LP Gas tank is simple and easy to identify
The design of the first batch of Gas Bienestar tank is simple and easy to identify

After walking facilities of distribution terminals, the holder Pemex reached the platform filling of containers and place the load of the first tank 20 kilos. Later, he recognized the work of the workers involved in the project and called for redoubled efforts. 

How are the Gas Bienestar tanks? 

  • They are all white . 
  • They have a maximum capacity of 20 and 30 kilograms . 
  • In addition, they have a label on which you can see the coat of arms of the Government of Mexico . Below it, it has the legend “ Gas Bienestar ”, accompanied by the Pemex logo . 
The owner of Pemex carried out the loading of the first tank
The head of Pemex carried out the loading of the first tank

The two distribution terminals will have the capacity to fill 4,800 LP gas tanks per day during the first stage. Meanwhile, Ricardo Sheffield, head of Profeco, reported that the municipalities of Iztapalapa and Azcapotzalco will be the first to receive services from Gas Bienestar

So far, details about the prices of these tanks are unknown. However, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has assured that the purpose of the company is to provide LP gas at a “ fair price ”. 


Mexico Daily Post