Oaxaca ranks 1st in national well-being survey


Oaxaca, Oax. During the month of July, Oaxaca occupied the first place at the national level in the perception of well-being, this was announced by the polling house Arias Consultores, which placed Oaxaca at the head with 58.7 percent, while the worst-rated was the City of Mexico with 18.8 percent.

The survey conducted was conducted with a total of 18,650 people, all of the legal age through the social network Facebook, who were asked 3 different questions, how happy do you consider yourself ?; How do you rate your quality of life? and how do you evaluate your well-being in general ?; in all of them, Oaxaca remained among the first places.

To the question, how happy do you consider yourself ?, Oaxacans placed in fifth place with 58.3 percent answering happy, 30.7 percent answered neutral and only 11 percent unhappy, in this question the highest-rated entity was Tamaulipas with 65.3%.

In the second question, how do you rate your quality of life ?; the state was placed in seventh place with 48.5% of people who answered good, while 48.8% indicated that their quality of life is fair and only 2.7 percent answered that bad.

Finally, before the third approach, how do you evaluate your well-being in general? Oaxaca was in the lead, with 58.7 percent of people considering that their well-being is good, while 30.1 percent of those surveyed indicated that regular and 11.2% answered that it was wrong.

Source: jornada.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post