Aguascalientes exceeds Tamaulipas and Sinaloa in crime


We are ranked 20th nationally among the entities where citizens have been most affected by crime.

Crime in Aguascalientes exceeds Sinaloa and Tamaulipas, as revealed by data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, since in the first semester of 2021, 17,951 crimes corresponding to the common jurisdiction were registered; A figure that exceeds the statistics shown in this same period by states such as Tamaulipas, which has 17,868 cases, or Sinaloa, which confirmed 14,115 criminal acts that threaten life and bodily integrity, that is, violence is present.

In the latest figures provided by this national body, Aguascalientes appears in the 20th place in the country among the entities where citizens have been affected by crime. In the first place, the State of Mexico stands out with 190,955 complaints filed with the local Prosecutor’s Office for crimes of the common jurisdiction, and in the last place is Campeche, which barely exceeds eight thousand investigation folders.

It should be noted that in Aguascalientes most of the crimes that are listed in this list show a downward trend, such as intentional homicide, which in June of last year confirmed 43 victims, while in the same period of 2021 33 have been consummated. murders. However, sexual violence has had an exacerbated increase; The violation had 106 complaints in the first semester of 2020 and currently, at the end of June, 120 complaints are confirmed before the State Prosecutor’s Office, also the equal violation increased, going from 40 cases last year to 66 in 2021.

Likewise, cases of harassment have been reported to a greater extent, taking into account the latest information from the secretariat, 52 cases were presented until the last day of June, while in the previous period there were 39 complaints. Of abortions and femicides, the numbers have grown 100% or more compared to last year.


Aguascalientes Daily Post