60 clandestine parties in Tulum and Playa del Carmen had to be shut down


Two municipalities in the Northern Zone of Quintana Roo are where more clandestine parties have been registered during the first seven months of 2021, in addition to publicizing the strategy for the closure of these events

In the first seven months of this year, 60 clandestine parties were dismantled in Quintana Roo, informed the director of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) in the state, Miguel Pino Murillo.

These types of events break with all the health protocols issued by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of coronavirus, said the official in an interview for Por Esto !; that is, on average, at least eight such events were discovered each month.

“In the month of July, eight clandestine parties were suspended without compliance with protocols and sanitary measures, so far this year there are already 60, 22 of them in the jungle,” said the head of the Cofepris in the entity.

He also revealed how operations are carried out to safeguard the health of all attendees and thus be able to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Quintana Roo, which is already facing the third wave of the pandemic, especially in the presence of the Delta variant.

“The operations for these events are carried out with the support of Public Security, National Guard, Sefiplan (Ministry of Finance and Planning), sometimes the State Prosecutor’s Office, of reports or complaints, carrying out the security of the place with a great protocol of elements to avoid setbacks ”, he detailed.

Cofepris clausura 60 fiestas clandestinas en destinos turísticos de Quintana  Roo | PorEsto

Pino Murillo specified that in the municipalities of the Northern Zone of Quintana Roo it is where the parties were most detected, particularly in Tulum and Solidaridad, destinations preferred by young people to vacation.

“The events are mainly in the North Zone, in the municipalities of Tulum and Playa del Carmen, where we have detected this type of clandestine parties,” he said.

The clandestine parties are promoted through Facebook, where they are announced in groups on the same day of the event, you have to confirm attendance at the numbers indicated to receive the location half an hour before the event, he detailed.

Fiestas no paran en Tulum, en semáforo amarillo; casos COVID tampoco

This complicates the work of the Cofepris in Quintana Roo, because although operations are carried out, the organizers then move far away as possible, as happened with a party organized in Tulum that ended in the Chemax cenote in the State of Yucatán.

Finally, Pino Murillo pointed out that Cofepris works on strategies to follow up on these events that are not allowed in Quintana Roo and to respond to calls from citizens, who report through anonymous calls.

“Through the different communication media, all citizens have been informed of the prohibition of mass events, and daily operations are carried out to verify that parties are not being held. We have staff verifying through social networks any organization of events to suspend them, as well as anonymous calls from citizens ”, he concluded.

Source: yucatanalamano.com

The Cancun Post