Governor of Michoacán alerts the OAS that Mexico could become a narco-state


The Governor of Michoacán asks Luis Almagro not to leave Mexico alone at the risk of it becoming a narco-state.

After constantly denouncing that drug trafficking intervened in the June 6 elections in Michoacán, the entity’s still governor, Silvano Aureoles, went to the Organization of American States (OAS) to ask that they not leave Mexico alone before the risk that it becomes a narco-state.

“Given the risk that organized crime will continue to increase its presence to the point of electing the next president of Mexico in the future elections of 2024, I ask the OAS not to leave Mexico alone in this risky scenario that we are gradually taking to the configuration of a narco-state ”, is mentioned in the document that the president delivered to Luis Almagro Lemes, Secretary-General of the OAS.

The local president also pointed out that to avoid a greater number of deaths in the country due to insecurity, the participation of this international organization is urgent so that the Mexican State recognizes the seriousness of the problem and helps in the review of the current national security strategy.

The PRD commented that he went to the OAS to express his concern about the crisis of insecurity in Mexico and the “evident denial on the part of the Federal Government, whose failed strategy of ‘hugs and not bullets’, translates (…) into a position permissive and ignorant in the face of criminal violence, which has caused (…) almost 90 thousand violent deaths in 31 months of government ”.


Michoacan Post