They protest the use of face masks and the imposition of vaccines in Mérida


group of dissatisfied citizens demonstrated at the Monument to the Fatherland, claiming that the health measures violate their human rights. At the same time, they consider that vaccines against Covid-19 are illegal; and that the use of mandatory face masks in closed spaces are measured to exert control over people.

Wilberth Andrade Medina, spokesman for the protesters -at least 35-, explained that the protest responds to a national call that would be replicated in 85 cities, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

In the presence of the State Police, the protesters formed an agglomeration without wearing masks or maintaining a healthy distance, recommendations to avoid the spread of Covid-19 .

“We defend five important freedoms, Freedom of expression, Freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of assembly and freedom of health,” said Andrade Medina; who details that the vaccines authorized for emergency use are not actually approved, so no company, person or corporation should force their workers to get them.

They refuse to use the mask due to suspected hypoxia

Regarding the opposition to the use of the mask, he stated that it is harmful because it causes hypoxia; a decrease in the supply of oxygen to tissue. He also noted that it is a cause of hypercapnia, an abnormal elevation in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood.

“ The excessive coronavirus restriction measures must come to an end , and all declarations of a state of emergency that these measures generate must be repealed. Bodily autonomy has been violated by the mandates of masks, restricting the ability to breathe and speak literally, ”said the spokesperson.

For this reason, it considers that human rights should not be allowed “to be repackaged, as human privileges, which are conditioned to the fulfillment of authoritarianism .”

Given this, he called for those who are against health measures to also join the protests, which they say are worldwide.

It should be clarified that hypoxia and hypercapnia have no medical basis as they are related to the use of a mask. The first may be related to cancer, while the second sometimes involves respiratory diseases.


The Yucatan Post