Mexican military offers these exclusive vacancies for women, find out here


Hurry these job offers will not last long, so you have to take advantage of it, here we tell you the requirements

Mexico.- The Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), opened the vacancy for Surgeon, so interested parties must submit applications for said position covering all the requirements for entry into the armed forces.

For this exclusive position in the call for women, and there will be 50 vacancies that must be filled in the various medical units that require it throughout Mexico.

  • Position
  •  Military Second Lieutenant Surgeon
  • Medical unit
  • The one that is assigned
  •  vacancy numbers
  • fifty
  • Salary
  • 20 thousand 541.17

Basis of participation

Citizens who meet the following requirements may participate:

  •  Be Mexican by birth and have not acquired another nationality.
  •  Have the maximum age of 29 years 11 months to 1 / o. April 2021
  •  Have a Surgeon Degree.
  •  Without any exception, the applicants must present in original or legible certified copies of the following documentation for their collation and a simple legible copy for delivery:
  • Certified copy of the Birth Certificate or certified copy of said document, taken from the book where his birth was recorded, the issuance of which does not exceed three months.
  •  Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).
  •  Official identification with photograph and signature must be: Valid voting credential, it should be noted that if the voting credential is not valid in terms of the criteria established by the National Electoral Institute, it will NOT be accepted as a means of official identification.
  • Proof of address (current).
  • Title and Certificate of the Surgeon Degree.
  • Electronic signature (FIEL).
  • Federal Registry of Causers (RFC).
  • Under no circumstances will it be accepted as a replacement for the originals, a photostatic copy, the certificate or request for issuance for the first time; of duplicates or replacement due to the theft, destruction or loss of any of the documents described, nor the record issued for that reason.
  •  Prove good conduct by proof of no criminal record or with proof issued by the municipal or delegation authority;
  • Be clinically and psychologically healthy for the service of arms, which will be accredited by the medical and psychological certificate issued by the corresponding Military Sanitary Level
  •  Have a breaststroke that is proportional to the minimum height of 1.60 meters.
  • Sign the Down Payment Contract.
  • Not belonging to the ecclesiastical state or being a minister of any cult, and not being disqualified for public service, or encountering any other legal or administrative impediment; as well as, present and accredit the evaluations indicated for each case.

 Applicants will undergo the following clinical examinations:

 Laboratory: complete blood count, general urinalysis, 4-element blood chemistry, serolite reactions, toxicological chemical; Blood Group, Rh, and b. Radiological (chest tele). Page 4 of 6 L. The medical examination will be carried out to verify that the applicants do not have any illness included in articles 226 or 226 Bis of the Law of the Social Security Institute for the Mexican Armed Forces. For its realization and evaluation, the following guidelines will be observed: a. Not having a body mass index greater than 25, which is obtained according to the formula known by its acronym BMI: BMI (KG / M2) = weight, height squared

 Applicants who present tattoos may enter the Mexican Army and Air Force, as long as:

  •  Do not be in visible places with the use of uniform.
  •  It has a maximum dimension of 10×10 centimeters.
  • The images are not offensive to morals or justify the crime.
  • In case they have more than one tattoo, these are not larger than 10% of the body surface.
  • Only normal lobular perforations will be authorized.

The psychological tests will be carried out by applying the evaluation instruments approved by the General Directorate of Health. To enter the Mexican Army and Air Force, the applicants must undergo the necessary medical, clinical and psychological examinations to determine that they are healthy and capable of active service in arms.

Likewise, during their tenure in the Mexican Army and Air Force, women are obliged to undergo the necessary medical, clinical, and psychological examinations to determine that they remain healthy and capable of active service. The medical, clinical, and psychological examinations will be carried out in the corresponding Military Health Stages. Failure to prove the existence or authenticity of any of the data recorded by the applicants or the aforementioned documentation either during the documentary review or at any stage of the process or of NOT being exhibited for collation on the date, time, and place that are required, will be grounds for dismissal or, where appropriate, the result of the selection process and/or the appointment that has been issued without responsibility for the Secretariat of National Defense will be rendered null and void,

Benefits and benefits.

  •  Job stability
  •  Safe salary
  •  Feeding
  •  Vacation Accommodation
  • Education and professional development
  •  Costumes and equipment
  •  Life insurance
  •  Medical service
  • Profits
  • You receive a remuneration of 40 days for the Christmas bonus and 20 days of vacation bonus.

The registration of applicants from March 19 to October 31, 2021

The results of the call will be public in the Recruitment Centers for the attention and registration of applicants.

Mexico Daily Post