COVID tidal wave hits Mexico: five states already exceed 50% of their hospital capacity


13,853 new infections were registered, the highest number since February, in addition, in the last 24 hours 341 new deaths were reported

The third wave in full vacations continues to increase, as well as the Delta variant, which is 60% more contagious, which is reflected in the hospital saturation that is already beginning to exceed 50% of its occupation in five states of the Mexican Republic, according to data from the IRAG Network.

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Mexico City is the entity with the highest saturation with 59.42% (it reports 15 hospitals between 80 and 100% full in general beds).

Sinaloa, the only state to return to a red light this week and has a 59.03 hospital occupancy rateNayarit has 58.50% , while Baja California Sur marks 57.50 and Hidalgo 53.04%.

The Ministry of Health (SSa) reported that as of Tuesday, July 202,678,297 cases of accumulated infections of coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) have been registered. In addition, since the beginning of the epidemic, Mexico has suffered 236,810 deaths from the disease.

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This represents that there was an increase of 13,853 infected in the last 24 hours, as well as 341 deaths.

It is worth mentioning that this number of infections is the highest since last February 6, when there were 13,209 infected.

Likewise, there are 2,104,298 people recovered, 4,870,888 negative cases, and a total of 8,003,778 people studied from the first case.

According to the daily technical statement, to date there are an estimated 79,828 active cases of the disease in the country; that is, patients who began to present symptoms in the last 14 days (July 7 to 20, 2021).

(Screenshot: Ssa)(Screenshot: Ssa)

The entities with the highest number of active cases of SARS-CoV-2 in descending order are: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Sinaloa, Nuevo León, Veracruz, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Guerrero, Baja California Sur, Yucatán, Sonora , Tamaulipas, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Nayarit, Hidalgo and Querétaro, which together account for 90% of these cases in the country.

Regarding hospital availability, the average occupation of general beds in health centers is 34% and 27% for intensive therapy beds.

On the international scene, there are a total of 190,671,330 infections and 4,098,758 accumulated deaths worldwide. In the last 24 hours, 390,026 and 6,424 were reported, respectively. The overall fatality is 2.1 percent.

Currently, Mexico is the fourth country in the world with the most deaths from the coronavirus, only below the United States, Brazil, and India; and it is number 16 in number of infections, according to the latest update from Johns Hopkins University.

Advancement of vaccination vs COVID-19

Regarding the session of the National Vaccination Strategy against SARS-CoV-2, Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, announced that so far 55,107,724 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Janssen, Sonovac and CanSino formulas

Of this total, 21,996,462 people have received complete schedules (of two doses or one, as is the case with the Cansino vaccine). This means that 42% of the population aged 18 years and older has received at least one dose in the country, according to the Ssa.

MEXICO CITY, JULY 19, 2021.- With the arrival of the third wave of infections by Covid-19, hospitalizations have also registered a growth, although less in the previous two stages of the disease, families return to hospitals to wait for information from their patients due to this virus and the arrival of ambulances to the triage area of ​​the Hospital de Los Venados continues.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO / CUARTOSCUROMEXICO CITY, JULY 19, 2021.- With the arrival of the third wave of infections by Covid-19, hospitalizations have also registered a growth, although less in the previous two stages of the disease, families return to hospitals to wait for information from their patients due to this virus and the arrival of ambulances to the triage area of ​​the Hospital de Los Venados continues. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO / CUARTOSCURO

On July 19 alone, 565,173 new doses were applied.

The entities with the highest percentages of the vaccinated population are Baja California, Mexico City, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, and Yucatán.

During the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Dr. López-Gatell clarified the controversy about the “20 million vaccines that are saved”, which he rejected, as well as that they were not “lost” either.

He explained that this figure taken between the number of doses received since December 2020 and the number of applied, is due to the fact that in rural areas there is difficult access to the internet, so the ” nominal record ” of the injected doses is not made real-time.

People exercise after applying the Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus (COVID-19) at the Arena Ciudad de México, July 20, 2021 Photo: (REUTERS / Luis Cortes)People exercise after applying the Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus (COVID-19) at the Arena Ciudad de México, July 20, 2021 Photo: (REUTERS / Luis Cortes)

“There is no loss of vaccines. All are perfectly identified and we know where they are and when they are being applied. In rural areas, where the operation of the brigade is more difficult because there is no internet access, the nominal records are out of date, it is not done in real-time “

In that sense, the official commented that the nominal records consist of the vaccination ballots where the basic information data of each person who comes to be vaccinated against COVID-19 is printed. These forms contain the details about the vaccine received; that is, the batch, date and type of dose according to the pharmacist.
