Three executed inside a restaurant in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz


COATZACOALCOS, VERACRUZ (July 13, 2021).- Three people were gunned down when they were in a restaurant inside Plaza Quadrum in Coatzacoalcos, the victims are unknown so far.

The events occurred in the ‘Carajillo’ restaurant, where armed individuals broke into and fired directly at three men who were among the diners there.

After the attack, there was a strong operation by agents of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), who came in as the first responders.

Paramedics from the Red Cross also arrived at the site, who provided pre-hospital care but could do nothing now, since these three people lost their lives instantly in the attack.

Access to the commercial plaza was restricted by the police corporations, and the place was kept under surveillance for several hours. Then, the Forensic Expert Services arrived to carry out the proceedings and transfer the bodies to the amphitheater of the Jardin pantheon.

Source: Quadratin

Veracruz Daily Post