The government of Spain lacked humility in the face of a request for forgiveness says AMLO


President López Obrador criticized Spain’s response to forgiveness for the Conquest and regretted that companies from that country came to Mexico to steal.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reproached the Crown and the government of Spain for rejecting his request to apologize to the original peoples of Mexico for the excesses of the Conquest, during the fall of Tenochtitlán and the Colonization.

The federal president regretted that the Spanish government lacked humility and vision before his request, which is part of the bicentennial of the Independence of Mexico and has chosen to question his government and mock his proposal.

In the morning press conference from the National Palace, the Chief Executive recalled the letter he sent to King Felipe VI to make this request and regretted that far from responding to the letter, the government of that country decided to filter it to start a campaign against of the Mexican administration.

“They do not even have the delicacy to answer it, they filter it and the attacks begin on me and the government, authorities, pro-monarchical intellectuals, Vargas Llosa, other writers, the press, El País, radio and television programs in Spain. , making fun of our proposal ”, reproached the chief executive.

“Why did they have to ask for forgiveness, with great arrogance, they lacked humility, they forget that power is humility. So, that is a matter of discrepancy, it has not happened to adults because we are carrying out all the commemoration acts without any problem, “he said.

In 2019, López Obrador sent a letter to the Spanish Crown to request that it offer an apology to the original peoples of Mexico for the abuses committed during the fall of Tenochtitlán and the Colonization.

This request was rejected by the Spanish government and bilateral relations were strained, to which President López Obrador’s criticism of companies in that country such as Iberdrola was added.

“It is that it was abused in the neoliberal period and acts of corruption were committed by Spanish companies that saw us as a land of conquest and dedicated themselves to looting, stealing, of course, with the support of the Mexican authorities. We have cases like Repsol, from Spain, juicy contracts, very good for them, very bad for Mexico’s public finances, ”the president reproached.


Mexico Daily Post