A dissemination of Oaxaca’s culture “Guelaguetza Muxe 2021” convened in CDMX


The Muxe community is composed, as it is known in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, by people of a third gender.

The Guelaguetza Muxe, a festival that promotes the inclusion and dissemination of Oaxaca’s culture through dances representing its eight regions, will be held for the second time, after its first edition will be presented virtually in 2020.

In a press conference, it was detailed that “La semana de Muxeidad” will be held in Mexico City, which will feature four main events, among them, and as a finishing touch, the Guelaguetza Muxe.

Mauricio Castillo, general director of the festival, explained that this year will be a “hybrid delivery”, that is to say that it will be transmitted from the Hellenic Theater “and to give the most important enhancement to the Guelaguetza event as a dance event we decided to create the cultural and muxeidad week”.

He added that the other events that will be part of this festival are: La Verbena Muxe; The Cultural Forum of Muxeidad and the Contest of Goddesses 2021.

In this line, the local deputy, Temístocles Villanueva, said that “not only is it exciting that the Guelaguetza Muxe is held again in Mexico City, but it becomes necessary for the dissemination of the maximum cultural representations of our country and at the same time promotes a message of inclusion.”

In the press conference, it was highlighted that last year the virtual transmission had more than 150 thousand reproductions, and that it is sought that this event full of tradition and culture continue to increase its quality.

Likewise, the relationship that the Guelaguetza Muxe has with human rights was addressed, because in addition to the fact that it is a party, it is visible that in regions of Oaxaca the same thing does not happen as in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where, although the context is not the “homosexual paradise”, if there is more openness than in other regions of the state for the LGBT+ community.

According to information from Escandala, the first virtual event will be held on July 19 at 16:00 hours, and in these Oaxacan artisans will promote the sale of their products and a catwalk will be held.

Meanwhile, from 20 to 21 July, from 15:00 hours will be held the Cultural Forum of Muxeidad, in which figures such as Elvis Guerra, craftsman and poet originally from Juchitán and directors of folkloric ballet will be presented.

The closing of the Guelaguetza Muxe will be on July 24, and in this will participate the Drag Queen “Roberto Carbajal” and singers such as Patricia Alcaraz and the Banda Donaji.

Source: vibetv.mx

The Oaxaca Post