BMW San Luis Potosi plant first in Mexico to neutralize CO2 emissions


The Mexican Plant has proposed to be the first to neutralize its CO2 emissions from the BMW Group and to achieve this, it has developed a sustainability strategy on environmental issues and the efficient management of resources.

In this sense, the goal is to reduce 80% of CO2 emissions, adopting a strategic approach for all its areas, including the supply chain, the production process, as well as the emissions generated by its vehicles.

Likewise, they assume their responsibility for the next generations, for which they intend to continue improving to become the first carbon-neutral plant in Mexico and the BMW Group’s Global Production Network; we show you their strategies:

  1. Energy efficiency

The painting area has developed a system that takes advantage of residual heat, recovering the hot air from the ovens and using it in other processes, reducing the consumption of 200 cubic meters of natural gas per month.

  1. Clean energy sources

Currently, it has 71 thousand square meters of solar panels that provide 13% of the energy required, while the remaining 87% is supplied by an external solar park.

The installation of solar panels inside the Plant in 210 thousand square meters, would allow it to generate an additional 26% of the clean energy required, that is, it would achieve 100% carbon dioxide-free electrical energy.

San Luis Potosi, Mexico
  1. Efficient use of water

The painting area uses a special dry paint separation system that allows the correct disposal of the waste resulting from this process without using water, thus minimizing the impact on the environment.

It should be noted, all wastewater used in other services is treated, meeting all quality standards and is reused in cleaning and irrigation of the facilities.

  1. Zero waste in landfill, efficient handling and recycling

The company has adopted the policy of “zero waste in landfills” by which it has established that 100% of the waste generated is separated and classified to facilitate recycling.

Source: Lider Empresarial

San Luis Potosi Post