El Financiero, one of the most reliable news sources in Mexico says Reuters Institute


El Financiero rose in the ranking of the media that generate the most trust among users, according to a study by the Reuters Institute and the University of Oxford.

El Financiero ranked fifth among the media brands that generate the most trust in Mexico, according to the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report 2021 analysis, in collaboration with the University of Oxford.

El Financiero’s brand, with 62 percent confidence, rose one place within the most reliable media, this compared to last year’s ranking.

In addition, it is the second medium that generates the least mistrust among its users with 12 percent, an improvement compared to 14 percent in 2020.

In Mexico, 37 percent of people trust most of the news most of the time. However, according to the analysis, the president’s attacks could be one of the reasons why Mexicans lose confidence in the media.

“(In Mexico), confidence in the news is low by international standards, in part due to repeated attacks by the president,” the Reuters Institute notes in its report.

The top 5 of the most reliable media in Mexico are complemented by CNN, El Universal, Milenio and Imagen.

The study indicates that social networks and the internet continue to be the most popular news sources in Mexico, and most are accessed through smartphones.

Facebook and YouTube are the main channels to replicate news, a characteristic that Mexico shares with North America.

For this study, Reuters Institute used nationally representative samples by age, gender, and region in all markets and education.

For the issue of trust, those who had not heard of each brand were excluded and only the brands that appeared in the previous survey were included.

Source: reutersinstitute

Mexico Daily Post