Still with covid restrictions, Noche Mexicana and Vaquería will continue in Mérida


Cultural events will continue to be offered in the city

MÉRIDA, Yucatan.- Cultural and artistic activities in the city will continue their recovery, such as Merida Week , the Olimpo Culture Season , as well as the presentations of the video mapping in the Cathedral Church and the Casa de Montejo, assured the director of culture, Irving Berlin Villafaña.

Regresa el video mapping en el centro de Mérida

He specified that with the mobility restrictions, which came into effect last week, only the schedule of the ” Noches Mexicanas” program will be modified, which takes place on Saturdays from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight,, so now it will end at 10:00 pm to give merchants the opportunity to pick up their things and go home.

He recalled that the program of the Vaquería, which takes place every Monday, from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will not have modifications as it is on schedule.

As for the projections of “Sacred Stones” on Friday night and “Dialogues with the Conqueror”, on Saturdays, they also comply with the allowed schedules. 

This last program has a recovery cost with which pantries are acquired for the benefit of troubadour groups in the city.

Culture runs its course

“In this way, we are gradually recovering the cultural life of the city and on the other hand we also have the Olimpo Cultura season that is continuing, we already have premieres like Emiliano Buenfil’s, which has a tropical trova show, a mixture with the Yucatecan trova, we have the Sombrerón, available on the Midvi content download platform, we also have Los Detectives, which is a face-to-face concert at Olimpo on Saturdays ”, he explained.

The municipal official recalled that the complete billboard of events is available for consultation in the cultural networks of the City Council.

He assured that the virtual modality of the events is the safest for the public, however, there are also face-to-face events with a controlled capacity of no more than 100 people and free tickets, which are requested and delivered before the events at the Cultural Center Olympus.

Vaqueria with a ticket

“We ask you to have the discipline of requesting your ticket in advance, for example for La Vaquería we give tickets all week at Olimpo, what we have seen is that it is very successful as always, but we also note that there are many people who request tickets and then they don’t go and that way we block a chair and then there are people who want to come in, “he said.

He added that taking care of health protocols, in face-to-face events the healthy distance between places is respected, spaces are sanitized and antibacterial gel is provided, since it is about preventing them from being a source of contagion and a source of hope because that is what the art.


The Yucatan Post