Alejandro Martínez Sidney said that, in light of this, they will strengthen sanitary measures so that restaurants and hotels in the destinations of Acapulco, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Taxco de Alarcón
Entrepreneurs and tourism service providers maintain high expectations for the summer vacation season in the destinations that make up the so-called Triángulo del Sol in Guerrero, because the city and the State of Mexico, the main generators of visitors to the entity, remain in a green epidemiological traffic light.

The president of Fecanaco, Alejandro Martínez Sidney, said that, in light of this, they will strengthen sanitary measures so that in restaurants and hotels in the destinations of Acapulco, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Taxco de Alarcón, there is no outbreak of Coronavirus that affects the workers of these municipalities.
Martínez Sidney confided that with the positive development of the pandemic, high confidence is generated among businessmen and pointed out that they will not lower their guard to keep the epidemiological traffic light green to achieve recovery more than a year after the closure of businesses due to the emergency sanitary.

“We will continue working with health measures to maintain this positive behavior, “ said the president of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce.
He said that in other destinations such as Cancun, it is in red due to the number of cases and that is why they will continue to apply strict sanitary measures and the pertinent sanitary controls so that with the arrival of visitors there are no outbreaks of infections.
“We will continue working with the high health security measures to protect our employees and tourists and not fall into relaxation like Cancun, which today is on a red light,” he mentioned.