For the first time in more than a year, the arrival of foreign tourists to Mexico grows in April


The economic spill left by travelers in the country also showed an increase after being in negative territory for a long period.

Turismo internacional en México crece 199% interanual en abril: Inegi |  SinEmbargo MX

After 13 months of continuous falls in the arrival of foreign tourists and economic spillover from the coronavirus pandemic, in April Mexico registered its first growth in these indicators.

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography  ( Inegi ) reported that in the fourth month of the current year there was an arrival of 2 million 235 thousand foreign travelers to the country, with which there was an increase of 199.3 percent, compared to the same 2020 period.

It should be remembered that in April of last year was the beginning of the greatest confinement in Mexico in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, where the closure of various hotels, the suspension of air routes and the cancellation of the various tourist products that were had began.

From March 2020 to the same month of the current year, the arrival of foreign tourists had shown declines that ranged from minus 78 percent to minus 17 percent.

Regarding the tourist spill by foreign travelers, Inegi indicated in its report that in the fourth month it was located at 1,277 million pesos, which meant an increase of 873 percent.

Llegada de turistas extranjeros a México crece en abril: Inegi

The total expenditure reported in April of last year was 131.3 million dollars, where there was a serious impact, due to confinement due to the pandemic.

In tourist currencies, from March of last year to the same month of the current year, the decreases were in a range of minus 96 percent and minus 10 percent.


Mexico Daily Post