Morena becomes the first and most powerful political party in the state of Campeche


Campeche, Campeche (June 8, 2021).- With 91.7 percent of the counted polls, (one thousand 92 of one thousand 190), the candidate of the coalition “Together we will make history” in Campeche (Morena-PT), Layda Elena Sansores San Román accumulates 33.22 percent of the votes ( 123 thousand 741 votes), against 31.55 percent of his closest contender, the standard bearer of Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) Eliseo Fernández Montufar and 30.82 percent of the Alliance Christian Castro.

Always in accordance with the PREP, the ‘Va Por Campeche’ coalition made up of the Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), National Action (PAN) and Democratic Revolution (PRD) parties won six mayoralties, Morena five and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) two, of the 13 that were disputed on Sunday’s election day, according to the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP). Moci won the capital and Morena won the victory in Carmen.

Layda Sansores from Morena wins in Campeche (Photo: La Jornada)

The PRI political party with its allies won the municipalities of Palizada with Ángela Cámara Damas, Candelaria with Francisco Farías Bailon, Hopelchén with Emilio Lara Calderón, in Calkiní with Juanita Cortés Moo, Hecelchakán with José Dolores Brito Pech, and Tenabo with Karla Uc Tuz.

According to the PREP, Cámara Damas obtained 2,469 votes (41%), Farías Bailon 9,288 (46%), Lara Calderón 8,317 (42%), Cortés Moo 7,599 (35%), Brito Pech five thousand 729 (33%) and Uc Tuz two thousand 691 (40%).

Morena achieved victory in the municipalities of Carmen with Pablo Gutiérrez Lazarus, in Champotón with Claudeth Sarricolea Castillejos, in Calakmul with Luis Enrique Alvarado Moo; as well as in the new municipalities of Seybaplaya and Dzitbalché with Magdalena Jiménez Pacheco and Roberto Herrera Maas.

This way, Morena becomes the first and most powerful political party in the state of Campeche.

Source: La Jornada

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