The CIA, visiting Mexico?


On Wednesday afternoon, aboard a C 17 – the largest military transport plane in the United States Air Force – the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) arrived in Mexico. David S. Cohen descended from the enormous apparatus -in the National Guard hangar. The reason for the visit? It was officially said that he is coming to “refine details to guarantee the stay of Kamala Harris -the Vice President-“, who on June 7 and 8 will be on an official visit to discuss the problem of Central American migration and other matters of the bilateral relationship. And in the following days, according to Lopez Obrador said in the “morning” and confirmed by Martha Barcena, Mexico’s ambassador in Washington, William Burns, director of the CIA, is expected to arrive, in which he considered the diplomatic visit as an “unusual” visit.

According to the government’s organization chart, the CIA is classified as an independent entity from the government, which is assigned responsibility for the collection, analysis, use of information and intelligence services to help the President and his cabinet make decisions. on issues related to national security. While the Secret Service (USSS) is the federal agency – under the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security – that fulfills the function of protecting the integrity of the President and Vice President, inside and outside the United States. So, since when does the CIA go forward to another country to verify the agenda and security protocols of the visit of one of the two highest officials from the neighboring country?

Kamala Harris’s visit makes sense for the moment that we live with the migration of thousands of Central Americans who have reached the border – and who continue to arrive – and it is urgent that Mexico ‘collaborate’ to stop the caravans and avoid creating chaos on both sides of the dividing line. Above all, when the resources that have been programmed by the United States to invest in the countries of the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras) to encourage their development, are ‘stuck’ in Congress where there is no Republican support. to approve the Immigration Plan, which is where the budget of 4,000 million dollars is located.

Regarding the presence of the director and deputy director of the CIA in Mexico, it seems that it is a very different reason. A matter of national security for the United States.

Joe Biden, after addressing priority domestic issues, has to face a reality: a very serious drug trafficking problem that is taking on other dimensions due to the way it disrupts the social fabric at all social and political levels in Mexico – which has repercussions in the United States-, and also realizes the catastrophic way in which our country is being managed and the possible deterioration of circumstances that could provoke a convulsed neighbor.

President Biden -in his capacity as Vice President of the United States- on September 20, 2013, when he paid a visit to then-President Pena Nieto, told him, “both countries must have political courage” when referring to relations, collaboration, and harmony. as neighbors. The US president must bear in mind that conversation and that the message he sent eight years ago is valid and today he wants to endorse it with all his resources at his fingertips.

So far Biden has been cautious about the authoritarianism that exists in Mexico and that is not only perceived in Washington, as shown on the cover of this week’s edition of The Economist (England), where he shows a photograph of Lopez Obrador under the title of “The false messiah of Mexico.” However, now – with the visit of the vice president, the director, and deputy director of the CIA – Biden gives very clear signals that it has been decided to intervene and try to make sure that his neighbor to the south “does not get out of the box.” What do you think?

The CIA, visiting Mexico?

Mexico Daily Post