The Union of Users of the Industrial Zone (Uuzi) already has the land on which the Automobile Museum will be built in San Luis Potosí.
Ricardo Pérez Castillo, president of the business organization, confirmed that the project to build a car museum in the vicinity of the industrial zone is still in force, anticipating that there is already the land to build it, which is located at the height of Eje 122 nearby where the Alternate Route will circulate.
This project is being worked on in collaboration with different companies in the automotive industry, mainly BMW and General Motors armors.
“We still need many studies, but we already have the land for the Museum and we are already working on the project, but here the situation is not only to build it but to see how it can be kept updated,” he said.
For this project, the industrial leader said that a little more than a billion pesos are required to consolidate this Automobile Museum, which will be unique in its style throughout the country.

The Automobile Museum is a project that seeks to detonate tourism in the state and highlight the image of San Luis Potosí as a production hub.
In addition, this Museum is part of a bank of projects that will be developed in the manufacturing area of the state, among which a Hospital and a university stand out, for each of these a similar investment of one billion pesos is estimated.
Source: El Universal