“Consuma Local is an institutional program without political ends”: Guadalajara City Council to AMLO


The government of Guadalajara defends the origin with which the “Consuma Local” program was created, as president Lopez Obrador stated during his Mañanera that this card was issued for electoral purposes.

Guadalajara, Jalisco (May 25, 2021).- Consuma Local is an “institutional program without political ends,” the Guadalajara City Council responded this afternoon to the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador after he pointed out that the card was used to win votes around the June 6 elections.

“They should be ashamed … You can use this card to purchase products and services from affiliated businesses and to identify themselves as part of Consuma Local’s business network,” said the letter that López Obrador read today at the press conference.

After reading the letter that accompanies the Consuma Local program card, the president of Mexico pointed out that “it may be legal” to deliver it, but he invited the Guadalajara City Council to avoid developing programs of this type during election times.

In response to these indications, the Guadalajara City Council issued a statement this afternoon in which they explained that the “Consuma Local” program card was created months ago in order to promote consumption in small neighborhood businesses among citizens and thereby promote the economic reactivation and counteract the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and clarified that the card has not been used for political purposes.

The municipal government of Guadalajara also clarified that “it is not essential to have a voting credential” to access the program, but that any other official identification is suitable to register.

Finally, the Guadalajara City Council said that “since last April 4 no type of promotion of the program has been carried out, and that the registry was closed in the first half of May … Consuma Local is an institutional program without political ends”, the statement concluded.

Source: Debate

The Guadalajara Post