Campeche and Nayarit suspend face-to-face classes due to COVID


Campeche and Nayarit have gone back to yellow on the epidemiological traffic light, therefore, face-to-face classes are not allowed.

As of next Monday, May 24, face-to-face classes will be suspended in the state of Campeche, and in the case of Nayarit, they will have to postpone its return to the classrooms due to the fact that there is an increase in positive cases of coronavirus. In both states, there will be face-to-face classes when they return to green.

José Luis Alomía, director of epidemiology, stated that the return to classes must be done under strict security measures, taking into account the color of the traffic light and that the teachers are vaccinated. “The important thing is that the return is safe. So far, there are 6 entities that are in staggered face-to-face classes, “said the doctor at a press conference from the National Palace.

Ricardo Koh Cambranis, Secretary of Education in Campeche, reported through a message via WhatsApp to the media that minors from rural schools will remain at home and take classes through the booklets that have already been given to them.

“Derived from the decision of the federal authority to place Campeche on a yellow traffic light and in order to safeguard the health of the population, the Campeche Secretariat of Education and the State Health Department determined the suspension of work in the 135 schools.

“This measure meets the provisions of said plan, which mentions that, in the event of a color change that implies an increase in COVID-19 cases at the state level, face-to-face activities in these schools would be suspended,” said the secretary. of Health of Campeche.

Nayarit suspends the return to face-to-face classes

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education of Nayarit indicated that, due to the change in color in the epidemiological traffic light, which went from green to yellow in this entity, the return to face-to-face classes was suspended, which was scheduled for Monday 24 of May in 32 campuses.

“At the beginning of this week we announced that we were joining the first 32 elementary and telesecundaria schools, but today, seeing that we are at a yellow traffic light, the decision has been changed, as a whole, so we are not returning to face-to-face classes in those 32 schools yet, ”the Nayarit state authorities explained in a statement.

Source: AS

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