‘AMLO must apologize to Mexicans’ says Ricardo Anaya


Anaya called on the public to “stop this decline before we get to the bottom” through voting.

Through a video on his official Twitter account, the former PAN candidate, Ricardo Anaya Cortés, demanded that the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, apologize to the Mexicans “for the destruction and suffering that he has caused with his terrible government. “.

In his most recent video, the PAN member recalled that AMLO recently apologized to the victims of the past, ” but he never recognizes his mistakes.

“When have you asked for forgiveness for the destruction and suffering that he has caused with his terrible government?”

And he lashes out that this is what he should apologize for: for those who died from Covid for their follies, when at the beginning of the pandemic he said that nothing was happening; for children with cancer who were left without medicine; for the most vulnerable Mexicans that he left unprotected when he canceled the Seguro Popular; for the dead due to their failed hugging not shooting strategy; for those who lost their job or their business, because their government did not want to help them; for the women who ran into a wall that he had put up, “he questioned.

In the video, Anaya Cortés called on citizens to “stop this decline before we get to the bottom” through voting.

“If you and I do not go out to vote, if we allow Morena to continue destroying the country, then we will be the ones who will have to apologize: to our children, for inheriting a country in pieces. It is urgent to change course. We have the opportunity. No stop going out to vote, “he concluded.

Source: informador.mx

Mexico Daily Post