Another bar shut down in Tulum for not respecting health protocols


Tulum, Quintana Roo, (May 20, 2021).- The Santino bar, located in the center of Tulum, was closed during the first hours of this Wednesday, May 19th, by authorities of the three levels of government as a result of different irregularities, including exceeding the allowed capacity.

After several reports, the establishment in question, located on Tulum Avenue between Centauro and Orión, was inspected by personnel from the Supervision Directorate, the Federal Commission for Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), and by state police officers, who provided security during the diligence.

As indicated by the citizen complaint, the place exceeded the allowed capacity, which represents a risk to the health of the population from possible Covid-19 infections. 

After talking with those in charge of the bar, the authorities proceeded to place the closure stamps at the entrance of the business; the economic sanctions could reach up to 1,500 UMAS (Updated Measurement Unit), which is equivalent to approximately 135 thousand pesos.

As a result of this closure for exceeding the allowed capacity, the Tulum city council urged owners of restaurants and bars to respect the established capacity -which is 30 percent- in the state epidemiological traffic light’s orange color to avoid sanctions or closure of their businesses. 

As part of the constant operations last weekend, authorities of the three orders of government closed down a massive event at kilometer 10.5 of the Tulum-Cobá federal highway.

This massive clandestine party took place without any permits, without respecting the allowed capacity, helath distance or use of face masks.

Source: La Jornada Maya

The Cancun Post