There will be up to 40 new restaurants this 2021 in Mazatlán


The leader of the chamber informed that the opening of the cheapest restaurant will be around 2 million and may go up to 10 or 15 million and investors are from various parts of the country, but mostly from Durango and Guadalajara

Mazatlán, Sinaloa (Informative Reaction) .- There will be about 40 new restaurants that will open this year in the port with investments ranging from 2 to 15 million pesos each, announced the president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Spiced Foods of Mazatlán, Rodrigo Becerra.

“It is estimated that during 2021 around 30 to 40 new restaurants will open throughout Mazatlán; it is an estimate. What is in Zona Dorada, Belisario Domínguez, in Niños Héroes, Olas Altas and the Marina area, is where you see more influx and new investments, “he said.

The leader of the chamber informed that the opening of the cheapest restaurant will be around 2 million and may go up to 10 or 15 million and the investors are from various parts of the country, but mostly from Durango and Guadalajara.

“Mainly they are from Durango and Guadalajara, although there are from other places but that is where the investment force between franchises and new concepts is most noticeable,” he said.

Rodrigo Becerra commented that in the midst of the pandemic, restaurants are just beginning to recover from the debts that were acquired during 2020, and that there is optimism due to the buoyancy that is seen for the port for the following years.

“We are all very optimistic and growing and recovering from the loss of 2020-21 and of course (we are still in debt), I think this whole year is going to be to pay off debts,” he added.

He acknowledged that no one is exempt from VAT, suppliers or payroll because the losses were very large.

“The optimism is because it is seen that if with 65 percent some business is being done, feet when 100 percent comes and the influx that is seen in Mazatlán, because everyone has a very good face of the future of Mazatlán” , he concluded.


The Mazatlan Post