Half of Mexico reaches green covid traffic light


The numbers of the pandemic continue to decrease and now half the country has reached the minimum risk of contagion according to the figures of the Ministry of Health and the new epidemiological traffic light at the national level.

Two weeks ago the country already had 14 states in green, 15 in yellow and three in orange, but now Chihuahua and Tabasco have abandoned the high risk status of contagion.

Now, the only state in orange is Quintana Roo , while the states with a yellow traffic light are:

  1. Baja California
  2. Baja California Sur
  3. Chihuahua
  4. New Lion
  5. Tamaulipas
  6. Zacatecas
  7. Nayarit
  8. Colima
  9. Michoacan
  10. Mexico state
  11. Mexico City
  12. Puebla
  13. Tabasco
  14. Campeche
  15. Yucatan
2021 05 21 19 12 13 5 Covid19 Press Conference May 21, 2021 Thank you for taking care of us AND

The states with a green traffic light are:

  1. Sonora
  2. Sinaloa
  3. Durango
  4. Coahuila
  5. San Luis Potosi
  6. Aguascalientes
  7. Jalisco
  8. Veracruz
  9. Guanajuato
  10. Queretaro
  11. gentleman
  12. Tlaxcala
  13. Morelos
  14. Warrior
  15. Oaxaca
  16. Chiapas

The state of the pandemic

This is the 18th week of reduction of the epidemic in Mexico, according to the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell . Overall, there are an estimated 18,199 active cases, 3,500 fewer than two weeks ago .

In Mexico, 25.6 million vaccines have been applied to a total of 17.3 million people , which is equivalent to 19% of the population over 18 years of age. In detail, there are 11.5 million people who have received their complete vaccination schedules and 5.8 million who have received one of two doses.

Seen this way, almost one in five people over the age of 18 is already vaccinated .

As for the vaccination of educational personnel, the only thing left to do is to finish the schemes in Chihuahua and Puebla. The most probable thing, said Undersecretary López-Gatell, is that before next Thursday 100% of the educational personnel of the whole country will have been vaccinated.

In total, 33,469,715 million vaccines have been received, of which 13.3 million are from Pfizer, six million from AstraZeneca, seven million from SinoVac, 2.4 million from Sputnik V and 4.6 million from CanSino.

Source: xataka.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post