* Announce sale of tickets for car raffle
* Three million is the goal, says Gil Díaz
With a goal of three million pesos to be achieved to make the Mexican Red Cross in Mazatlan viable and operational, the annual collection of the Meritorious Social Assistance Institution began, in an act led by the president of the Board, Alfonso Gil Díaz, accompanied by some directors including the secretary, Jorge Buenrostro; the counselor Tere Galló and the director of administration, Elizabeth Sánchez Carrillo.
Both Gil Díaz and Tere Gallo announced the objectives of the collection for 2021 after the pandemic has changed the collection schemes and now it is almost all virtual raffles and other acts. They even announced the sale of 10,000 tickets to Mazatlán at one hundred pesos each, which entitles them to the raffle for five Chevrolet Spark LT cars, model 2021, but donations and contributions to bank accounts are also accepted.
Gil Díaz said that last year the goal was also three million pesos for Mazatlán and that they could barely cover it, making other minor raffles for kitchen utensils. The 10 thousand tickets have to be placed for sale with individuals or companies, because otherwise “the delegation would pay for them with their own resources.”
Tickets can be purchased at the Red Cross offices on Ignacio Zaragoza avenue or at Deportenis and in the souvenir shops of Los Venados de Mazatlán. The raffle for motor units throughout Sinaloa will be on June 10.
Jorge Buenrostro was almost obsessive in pointing out the “great help” throughout the year to the Sinaloan society in general that has required it; It is a noble institution “that is always there when it is needed and for that reason, now, it must be supported with resources to cover its needs and have greater efficiency and operability”.
We must “have a culture of support for the Red Cross; Don’t tell us there are those children of the chin coming again … to ask us; that it is voluntary help, conscientiously to help this institution; the money is not kept by the directors ”, he stressed.
For her part, Elizabeth Sánchez Carrillo also recognized the lack of interest in the public welfare of the Red Cross; that the counselors are altruistic people, with prestige, who have a great desire to work for the people; there are many needs and the Red Cross “is not a company that works with profits”
Source: sinaloaenlinea.com