Chiapas Civil Protection preparing for the rainy season starting May 15th


All the municipalities of the entity have to do an extraordinary job in the collection of solid waste

The Secretary of Civil Protection, Luis Manuel García Moreno, announced the start of the hurricane and tropical cyclone season on May 15, for which a series of prevention and preparation activities are previously carried out, since the presence of the phenomenon of La Niña, which means a lot of rain, with what we would be going through in Chiapas from a dry season with high temperatures to heavy rains.

Se activa Plan DN III E, ante afectaciones por tormenta tropical en San  Cristóbal de Las

He revealed that 17 tropical storms are expected in the Atlantic Ocean, that is, five more than the historical average, in terms of hurricanes the average is six and now the average is eight, large-magnitude hurricanes are normally three and now For this year four are expected, although not all of them impact the country, the probability that one will impact Chiapas exists and in this scenario, we have to be very preventive.

Civil Protection elements are preparing for the rainy season. 

He stressed that for the months of May and June there is a rain map for the Chiapas Coast, while the cold fronts cause a lot of rain in the northern area bordering Tabasco, but the most vulnerable area is the Soconusco and Istmo-Costa, where preparedness and prevention actions are intensified.

He commented that various municipalities in Chiapas have already been urged to clear rivers, ditches, streams, clean river banks, collect garbage and material that may impede the flow of water to prevent floods, the call is that we review our public, private, and family facilities, it is about being very preventive before the forecast of a rainy season.

All the municipalities of the entity have to do an extraordinary job in the collection of solid waste to prevent it from flowing into the tributaries or generating floods due to clogging of sewers, drains or storm drains, prevention must be very intense and with great coordination with society, he pointed out.

For the Atlantic Ocean, which corresponds from June 1 to November 30, 18 cyclonic events are expected.


San Cristobal Post