Los Cabos/La Paz UABCS join activities for Global Big Day


This event is held every year to raise awareness about bird conservation

La Paz, Baja California Sur.- In order to promote bird watching and the importance of their different species for the ecological environment, the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS) will participate in the Global Big Day, also known as the “Great day of the birding”, to be held this coming Saturday, May 8.

This event is held every year in order to raise awareness about the conservation of birds and the different risks that threaten them, but it also serves to generate a global citizen compendium, since, during the day, people from all over the world collectively register the species that they observe through the eBird digital platform.

In the case of UABCS, responsible for the event in the entity, this will be the fourth time that it has coordinated this dynamic in the Los Cabos area and, for the first time, it will also do so in La Paz.

Those who wish to join this activity, open and free, may do so, although they must follow the established health protocols at all times, including the mandatory use of face masks, use antibacterial gel when touching objects or common areas and maintain the physical distancing.

This was announced by José Émer García de la Puente Orozco, head of the Laboratory for Research and Conservation of Habitat and Key Species at UABCS Los Cabos, as well as coordinator of the event.

In the case of Los Cabos, he informed that the observation tour will take place in the San José del Cabo estuary starting at 7:30 a.m. and, in La Paz, it will begin at the Ecoparque de la Juventud at 8: 00 in the morning, to later move to two other nearby sites.

Experts from the UABCS Bird Observers group will be at both sites to guide the tours, provide explanations about the birds, as well as ways to identify them, according to de la Puente Orozco.

“In Los Cabos, we will serve as guides Joaquín Corrales and a server; in La Paz, Eduardo Alcalá and Víctor Ayala, all with extensive experience in the observation, study, and registry of birds ”.

The also professor of the UABCS indicated that, in addition to the health recommendations, preferably people should carry binoculars if they have them, comfortable clothing, a cap to cover themselves from the sun, and water to hydrate.

As one of the objectives of the Global Big Day is to promote citizen science, people will be able to enter their observations of birds in the eBird online platform or the free eBird Mobile application, to generate a total compendium of all the sites that in a way official join this initiative, concluded.

Source: elsudcaliforniano.com.mx

The Cabo Post