Guanajuato remains the most lethal for the police: 28 murdered so far in 2021


Leon, Gto. For the fourth consecutive year, Guanajuato is shaping up to be the most violent state for security elements, adding 28 victims so far in 2021.

The organization Causa en Común has documented from 2018 to date, the murder of the security elements of the three levels of government and the trend for Guanajuato is on the rise, according to Erick Guzmán González, a researcher for the organization.

Uno de cada 5 policías asesinados son de Guanajuato. A varios los sacaron de  casa para matarlos | SinEmbargo MX

“What we have been commenting on as an association is that the state has not really had the capacity to give the public security forces a really efficient training, which can reduce this type of events since the public security forces have been unprotected and the police officers are poorly paid, poorly trained and poorly equipped ”.

In the country the organization has registered 149 security elements killed in Mexico until the end of April; of these, Guanajuato (28), State of Mexico (23), Chihuahua (13), Veracruz (12) and Zacatecas (12).

The last registered case was that of the León municipal police officer, Paulo Sergio Silva Pérez, on the night of May 5 in the Saucillo de La Joya neighborhood.

Photo: special

According to the reports, the element went to the place to attend attacks due to family violence. At the scene, they shot him with a firearm, after he tried to drive a man away from his partner on Dueñas street on the corner of Cigales.

The element was transferred with serious injuries to a clinic located in the west of León. However, he died receiving medical attention.

The day before, on May 4, an officer of the State Public Security Forces was assassinated in Uriangato in a persecution. In the operation, one of the assailants was killed and another was arrested.

In 2018 Guanajuato registered 66 police murders; 2019, 73 and in 2020 it closed with 84.

Photo: special

Erick Guzmán González, an investigator of Common Cause, said that one of the proposals to raise the salaries of the police officers, in Guanajuato during 2020 was proposed that the salaries of the police officers be homologated, but only 30 of the 46 did so.

“They work in conditions of extreme danger, in strenuous hours and that includes efficient work for the police. In addition to this, we also find an abandonment by society and a rejection of the security forces. It is discrimination because many do not feel safe from the elements ”.


San Miguel Post