What percentage of Mexican territory is controlled by criminals?


It is very painful to accept that the percentage that the Americans estimated about the lack of control in various areas of the country could be real

According to intelligence reports, six cartels and over 80 criminal cells operate in the country

A few weeks ago, the chief of the northern command of the United States Army, General Glen VanHerck, of the air force, pointed out that between 30% and 35% of the Mexican national territory is controlled by organized crime. Of course, the government of Mexico rejected such an assertion, which seemed correct to me.

Mapa del narcotráfico en México. Con información de la UIF del gobierno federal (Mapa: Infobae México)

However, three facts could confirm what the army of our neighboring country points out:

1. Attacks on candidates: like never before, organized crime is threatening and attacking candidates. So far, there are 262 attacks against politicians, of which 65 have been assassinated, according to the Etellekt consultancy. The narratives of the party leaders agree that crime is already a real force, a factual power that can hardly be ignored. Not only are they asking for security posts, but now they are also asking for public works to increase income and be able to “launder” resources of illicit origin.

2. Frontal challenges: it is also more common that organized crime is no longer afraid to appear in the media and social networks. Before, they threatened the press so as not to “heat up the square”, they sought discretion and anonymity. Now, on the contrary, they deploy intense campaigns on social networks to show weapons and continually challenge the State. There is the case of Aguililla, Michoacán, where, despite the visit of the apostolic nuncio, Franco Coppola, before arriving and as soon as he left, the cartels resumed attacks against the population, the communication channels, and the state police. By the way, the federal forces were not seen in this place, despite the visit of the diplomat.

3. Kidnapping of the National Guard: a few weeks ago, in the vicinity of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, around 50 elements of the National Guard were detained by residents, according to the Chiapas Paralelo newspaper. The National Guard was accused of entering the town “without authorization”. Today we know that the Guard was accompanying inspectors from the Federal Institute of Telecommunications and the municipality, who were trying to locate a clandestine radio station called “Radio Zapote.” The mission was a failure and, to free all the detainees, an element of the National Guard had to return to San Cristóbal, look for 40 thousand pesos and return to pay the ransom of their companions and other officials. Obviously, the underground station is still operating, a situation that is all gossip among the broadcasters of the Mexican southeast. But that the federal forces have had to ask permission to visit communities and after their “infraction”, pay a ransom, is something rarely seen.

So things. It is very painful to accept that the percentage that the Americans estimated about the lack of control in various areas of the country could be real. This does not suit the millions of Mexicans who are good people, who pay taxes, and who are committed to a better country.

“There is no war” against drug trafficking: AMLO’s statement that sparks controversy in Mexico

TEXTO ÍNTEGRO: Sube 71% los índices de HOMICIDIOS en el GOBIERNO de AMLO,  alerta ONG - Punto por punto

The comment lasted a few seconds. But they were enough to spark a new controversy about security in Mexico.

Almost at the end of the January 30 press conference, a journalist asked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: “Is the war against drugs over?”

“There is no war” replied the president. “Officially there is no war. We want peace ”.

Hopefully, soon there will be improvements in matters of security and territorial control. It seems that the priorities of the Ministry of Citizen Security and the federal government are not where they should be. They prefer to fight with the media, analysts, and telephone users (for the “new” cell phone registry), than with organized crime.

Source: bbc.com/mundo, eluniversal.com.mx, infobae.com

Mexico Daily Post