AMLO and Kamala Harris will have a virtual meeting on May 7; will address the expansion of Sembrando Vida to Central America


The Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, reported that the virtual meeting will also address cooperation to deal with the pandemic

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, will meet digitally on May 7 with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Present at the meeting will be the Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, and the Minister of Energy, Tatiana Clouthier.

Marcelo Ebrard announced, through his twitter account, about the meeting that was announced two weeks ago.

“As a follow-up to the last conversation between Presidents López Obrador and Biden, a digital meeting will be held on May 7 with Vice President Kamala Harris. Marcelo Ebrard and Tatiana Clouthier will participate accompanying President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“The meeting will discuss cooperation to deal with the pandemic and Mexico’s proposal to extend the Sembrando Vida program to Central America to deal with forced migration due to poverty. It will be a productive and cordial conversation, ”wrote Ebrard.

AMLO’s proposal on the expansion of Sembrando Vida

Last Thursday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked his United States counterpart, Joe Biden, to finance the Sembrando Vida program to extend it in southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. 

By participating in a virtual way in the Summit of Leaders for Climate, which is taking place in the United States, President López Obrador stated that with this reforestation program, the United States government can give temporary work visas and nationality to those who participate in the project. 

“The proposal is that together we expand this program in southeastern Mexico and Central America to plant 3 billion additional trees and generate 1.2 million jobs.” 

He pointed out that as a complementary proposal, the United States government could offer those who participate in this program, that after sowing their land for three consecutive years, they would have the possibility of obtaining a temporary work visa and after another three or four years, they could have up to US residency or dual nationality.


Mexico Daily Post