76 Mexican candidates are singled out for sexual abuse against women


Networks of pornography, abuse and sexual harassment, among the accusations of candidates from all parties

Félix Salgado Macedonio is not the only candidate under scrutiny for alleged assaults or crimes against women. In the current electoral process, there are so far 76 candidates from all political parties who have been accused of gender violence, abuse, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and even pornography networks.

According to the monitoring carried out by the Todos Mx Citizen Observatory, made up of 154 feminist organizations and collectives, Morena is the party with the most denounced applicants, totaling 24 politicians so far.

The institute founded by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “MORENA” is followed in numbers by the National Action Party (PAN), with seven denounced applicants; Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), with four, and Fuerza por México and the Encuentro Solidario Party (PES), with three each.

The list published by feminist collectives also includes two candidates from the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), two from the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), one from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), and another from a local party in Tlaxcala.

This first list is completed by three candidates from the alliance between the PRI, PAN, and PRD, another champion of the PAN-PRD coalition, and 26 candidates of whom it is not specified to which political force they belong. The information only indicates that they participate in local elections in the State of Chiapas.

The list includes the profile of Eduardo Santillán Pérez, candidate for mayor of Álvaro Obregón for Morena, for allegedly having links with networks of trafficking in women; the also morenista Humberto Sánchez Ramírez, a pre-candidate for a local deputation in Oaxaca, who is accused of having pornography networks of indigenous women, and Rafael Martínez, candidate for a municipal presidency in Veracruz for the Fuerza por México party, accused of rape sexual and threats.

Félix Salgado Macedonio, whose candidacy for governor of Guerrero by Morena is still in doubt, also appears on the list due to the rape accusations against him.

Aseguran que AMLO protege a Salgado Macedonio, presunto violador de Morena  - Contrapeso

Gabriel Quadri, former candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in 2012 and current candidate for a federal deputation for the Va por México alliance, appears on the list accused of harassment, while Marcos Zapotitla, a deputy from Morelos for the Social Encounter Party, is accused of raping a woman.

The purpose of sharing these profiles is to make an anti-ballot and show the candidates that they have allegedly used gender violence.

According to Arussi Unda, leader of the Brujas del Mar collective that is part of the Observatory, the initiative aims to notify political parties, the electoral authority, and civil society about the background of these politicians so that each group take the pertinent actions and be aware of who is running for a popularly elected office.

In an interview with El Sol de México, he explained that the complaints come to them through email or social networks, although many are supported by complaints. She added that his information is also backed up with journalistic notes and other review filters.

“We take on the task of checking on the internet who the person we are talking to is, we also check the profiles of the complainants. As we are in electoral times, we do not want to serve political slaps ”, stressed the also lawyer and feminist.

Unda affirmed that they have not had a dialogue with the National Electoral Institute (INE) to analyze the issue.


“The 3 of 3 is a very good initiative, it seems to me that the comrades of ‘Las Constituents’ and those who are doing the Citizen Observatory are doing a titanic job, but unfortunately we see that the authorities do not take it seriously. The authorities that were so committed, pure blah blah blah. From said to the fact we are not seeing much progress, “she lamented.

El Sol de México asked the INE for a position on the work of these organizations. The answer was that he had already established his position when he approved the 3 of 3 statements against gender violence.


On April 4, the General Council of the INE determined that it will review the veracity of the 3 of 3 statements presented by candidates for popularly elected positions.

In said document, the applicants indicate, under protest of being truthful, not having been punished for violence against women, being food debtors or having committed sexual assaults.


The PAN indicated that it will be up to the authority to investigate when the demands are presented and in due course do justice.

“It is not enough to stay in the networks. You have to go to the Public Ministry, you have to formally accuse the alleged rapists, ”Fernando Herrera Ávila, the spokesperson for Acción Nacional, told this medium.


For his part, Gerardo Islas, leader of Fuerza por México, indicated that the party’s Justice and Elections Commission will review the opinions and candidacies with the aim of complying with the support of women and fulfilling the 3 of 3.

Source: forbes.com.mx, elsoldemexico.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post