Meet Xiye Bastida, the young Mexican-Otomí who attracted everybody’s attention at the Climate Summit


Xiye Bastida , a 19-year-old girl of Otomí-Toltec origin , is a climate justice activist who, during a summit organized by the United States government , drew the attention of world leaders. 

At the climate summit, Xiye Bastida rebuked world leaders, and asked them to persevere so that in 2030, in nine years, they promote the sensible , smart and necessary measures to “reach net zero carbon emissions”, and not stop that plan for 2050.

In his speech, after that of several leaders, Xiye Bastida criticized the lack of kindness to stop the  climate crisis , and described that problem as a “result of colonialism and capitalism.” This participation has caused her to be compared to Greta Thunberg , another young activist of Swedish origin.

“This is how I spent my 17, 18 and 19 years of age: my hope is that future generations will not have to spend their youth fighting for our planet.”

Xiye Bastida on Twitter

Xiye Bastida was born in Atlacomulco , State of Mexico, and her parents are also environmentalists. The young woman and her family moved to New York, the United States, after extreme floods hit her hometown in 2015, after a three-year drought.

Xiye began his activism with an environmental club, which protested in Albany and New York City Hall; there, he lobbied for  the Climate and  Community Leaders Protection Act and the Dirty Buildings Act .

“Most of the time we are activists without realizing it. I encourage you to find your story and your mission in our fight for climate justice ”. Xiye Bastida concluded.

Source: UNO TV

Mexico Daily Post